dimanche 13 octobre 2013

European Day of Languages in Lubon, Poland

The celebrations of the European Day of Languages in Szkola Podstawowa nr 3 in Lubon took place on 26th September.
The main objective of this year’s celebration was to get to know as much as we can about the partner countries of the Comenius project that our school is taking part in.
The kids together with their teachers and parents prepared display-boards containing information about the partner countries such as flags, languages and places to visit. We have also prepared some food from the countries, so that after the assembly we could have a taste of the countries. 

 A group of students from the third form have also prepared a play in English. It was Cinderella, a story that everybody knows so there was no problem with understanding, even if you just started learning English.

A group of students from the third form have also prepared a play in English. It was Cinderella, a story that everybody knows so there was no problem with understanding, even if you just started learning English.

For everyone in the school it was a great lesson about culture and languages. It also caused a rise in the interest in our partner countries.

mardi 8 octobre 2013

European day in Latvia

Eurpean day in Finland

We had an assembly where all our pupils from other countries presented their flag and said "Good morning" in their own language. The day was a success!

European day in Estonia

European day in Spain

Thanks to the efforts of all staff ,we have celebrated this important day EDL. that helps to join different cultures ,languages ... and to be MORE TOLERANT AND TO HAVE EMPHATY.

Children of Infant Education listened to the teacher ,who told them the Grimm´s  Brothers  tales  in English

Primary Education and Secondary Education ( 0 level)  read chapters of the following novels:

        Antoine Saint-Exupèry -Le Petit Prince

        Julio Verne - Le Tour du monde en  quatre-vingts jours

They made also a poster related to EDL , and listened to music from   diffrent countries  in Europe
Now, it is the time to see the pictures taken that day